Wednesday, 15 June 2011


Viento Sur will feature music from K'ALAMARKA, the months of June and July, and guess what, they are finally coming to Toronto, from BOLIVIA the MECCA of andean music and latino american music.

On August 19, 2011, they will be playing at the LIUNA Local 183, address 1263 Wilson Avenue a las 7:30PM, for more information and ticket purchases call 416-854-3933, 416-880-4608 or 647-764-0251.

Their music style is unique and has inspired many bands of all over the world, all the songs in their are their own compositions.

For more information on this band visit the following links:

Monday, 28 March 2011

The Month of April will be dedicated to the legendary bolivian band, LOS K'JARKAS

Do not miss tuning in to Viento Sur, this month of April we will feature music of Los K'jarkas, one of the greatest Bolivian bands of all times. One of their songs in rhythm of Afro-Bolivian Saya "Llorando se fue" was plagiarized by Kaoma a brazilian band, that changed the original title to the famous "Lambada".
Los K'jarkas are the most influential bolivian band that has conquered the world with their music. They opened schools in different countries focusing on bolivian music. They have toured across Japan, Europe, Scandinavia, the United States, Canada and South America. For more information on this amazing bolivian band visit their web site at

Tuesday, 4 January 2011

Rumillajta 3 Part Special January 2011!

Viento Sur started 2011 with a 3 part special dedicated to one of the greates bolivian bands, Rumillajta.

For more information on this amazing band visit the following links: